Black Iron Magician

Chapter 444: The Great Evil Scroll

Darka, skewered with a black staff along with the triangular table, was noisily complaining. I was sitting on his body as a chair, waiting for Nell and Alezel to finish their fight. Ah, no, to be precise, Alezel’s fight was already over a long time ago.

「Hey, your way of speaking is getting crude, you know? We had a good fight between two magicians. I want you to admit that I’m a worthy opponent and treat me politely. Well, maybe I was at fault for breaking your important mask. Yeah, I feel a little bad. I’m serious.」

「Look who’s talking…!」

The repulsive face that was hidden under the iron mask was cursing me. For me, that abusive langue was pleasant. After all, the only way to relieve my daily stress was to take it out on the enemy.

The battle with Darka was a very competitive one, with a series of ups and downs. While I was using a mixture of light and dark magic, Darka continued to burst with magic through the black threads created with his Unique Skill. Even though at this time I could afford to take a break and enjoy my time leisurely, I had more than one or two bones broken during the battle, and there were times when I was almost forced to amputate my arm. If I hadn’t been a user of light magic, I wouldn’t have had the time to be so relaxed even after the battle was over.

「It was a really fierce and hard fight. But well, I’m completely healed because I can use recovery magic. Oh, are you still can’t get out of the skewer yet? It’s about time for the poison to spread to your whole body, you know? Or will you admit defeat with your hideously shaped mouth?」

「Y-You…! Why I can’t use magic…!?」

Well, that was because his body was stabbed by the black staff with my magic power. The black staff, made from the black magic stone, rejects magic power of anyone other than me. He might have a chance if he gave his all to chant the magic with a large amount of magic power, but considering his wounds and the burden of multiple abnormal conditions, it would be impossible for him to complete the magic.

My battlefield was like that, and I won by doing my very best, which was out of character. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t fight anyone of equal power for a while. Let’s move on to another battlefield. As for Alezel――

「GUOOOOOOOHHH!? S-Stop, p-please, STOOOOOP!」

「Wow! I really can take as much as I want!」

Seto was lying down in a state of being unable to fight, and Alezel kept stripping his armor. I remember well the picture of the screaming Seto and the delighted Alezel at the edge of my view. It was madness. I wonder which one was the demon.

Apparently, Seto had the ability to grow armor-shaped scales from his body. The jet-black armor that I thought was his equipment was part of his body. According to my analysis, his ability would automatically grow a new armor if it’s destroyed. If it wasn’t automatic, there was no way Seto would grow a new one since he was clearly in pain. It’s a different story if Seto was an extreme masochist, but as far as I could see, I think that was unlikely.

「What, you still can do it!? You still can do it, right!? Do your best! I believe that you still can do it!」

「J-Just kill me already――AAAHHHHH!」

Alezel was so excited that she completely forgot to use the Damaya dialect. Her fighting style was a good match for him, but I didn’t expect that it would be such an overwhelming victory. Also, I didn’t expect that he would be so miserable. The plan was to just strip him of his armor and it would be over. RIP.

On the other hand, Nell and Aralkar were still fighting at this moment. It was an even match and was lasting for a long time. Even with Nell’s firepower, she was not able to completely cut off Aralkar’s life, and Aralkar was also being pushed back by Nell’s onslaught, and the battle fell into a stalemate. Aralkar wasn’t the sixth rank of the Great Eight Demons for nothing, as she was able to hold up this much against Nell even though Nell hadn’t yet learned magic at this time. Yeah, let’s praise her for now. After all, I know the result after this.


「D-Damn…! H-Her swing is… getting faster again…!」

Aralkar unleashed a number of tentacles hardened into weapons. However, they were easily melted by Nell’s sword, which was wrapped in flames, and were cut one after another with a single swing. With Nell’s firepower, such a prolonged battle is rare. Basically, she would kill the enemy with a single blow, or even if it is prolonged, it’s usually over in a few dozen seconds. That’s why this battle was a valuable battle, and Aralkar had become a good training partner for Nell to get used to using the Flame Magic Sword Pluto.

Several of Aralkar’s cores had already been destroyed. From what I could see, there were only two or three cores left. The way Nell handled Pluto was much more refined than before the battle. It wouldn’t be long before the winner was decided.

「Deris, I’m done here~」

「Oh, good work. How’s the profit?」

「So much that I can’t stop smiling! I can’t wait to cash it~ ❤」

「I-I see. Good for you.」

When looking at the place where Alezel was working hard stripping the enemy just a few minutes ago, I could see black cinder-like wreckage. I don’t mean to find fault with other people’s hobbies, but I hoped she didn’t make a woman’s face after doing such a thing. Also, where the hell did her Damaya dialect go?

「Ah, that’s right. I’m in a good mood right now, so I’ll give Deris the scroll I found in the treasure house!」

「… When did you go to the treasure house?」

「Around the time my beloved Seto lost his consciousness, I think? I went there and came back here in a flash! I’m going to start rummaging it in earnest after this, but I found it at that time. I don’t use magic, and when it comes to scrolls, you know them best, right? Then, you should use it well.」

It seems that Alezel was really in a good mood. The fact that she would give me a scroll like this was something that I would never have imagined. Still, I would welcome a happy miscalculation, so I obediently took the scroll.

「I see, thanks. Let’s see…. Whoa, it’s a level 100 Abyss Magic, isn’t it!? To think that you could immediately find the scroll of the highest-rank magic, the treasure house of the Great Eight Demons is amazing! It seems to be a magic to summon something and make a contract with it….」

「Hee, it’s perfect for Deris, isn’t it? When Nell’s fight is settled, why don’t you give it a try? Also, is it okay not to help her?」

「For Nell’s sake, I won’t support her unless she’s in a pinch. Besides, she will be in a bad mood if I joined the fight halfway.

「Ah~, you have a point…. Ah, that’s right!」

At this point, Alezel just remembered the existence of the Damaya dialect.

「With this!」

「N-No way…」

When I was talking with Arezel, the battle between Nell and Aralkar finally came to an end. The burning flames engulfed Aralkar’s entire body, and her slime-like body vanished without leaving a single piece. All that remained was the last core inside Aralkar’s body.

「It’s over, huh.」


「Not bad~」

I got up from Darka, who was no longer spitting abusive language, and was about to go to Nell’s place. However, I felt something strange. I felt like there was one more voice, and it was a voice of a little girl I didn’t recognize.


Just like me, Alezel also noticed that strange feeling. We jumped back to left and right at about the same time and hurriedly shifted our gazes in the direction of the voice.

「Huh? What’s wrong? Why do you look so flustered? Well, I guess it’s only natural when an idol like me is in front of you. I’m a sinful girl~」

There was an incomprehensible creature that used Darka as a chair.

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