Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 187 Attacked

Chapter 187 Attacked

In Washington, after dealing with a large number of investigations about Hydra at S.H.I.E.L.D., Director Nick Fury drove home as usual. However, the red light that Nick encountered on the road today seems to be a little more. He should have arrived home by now, but he is still stuck on the road.

Nick sitting in the car looked at the red light above the intersection and then glanced at a display next to the steering wheel, showing traffic in three blocks centered around Nick. After Nick looked at it for a while, the traffic near this neighborhood suddenly became very sparse and it looks like the other cars took the initiative to avoid it. It seems that Hydra couldn’t help it because of Nick’s recent moves.

“It seems that they are going to attack me!” Nick sees the situation on the display and his eye flashes. “But, if I wait for you to deal with me, then I wouldn’t be the Director of an organization like SHIELD.”


Nick’s one eye closed deeply and then popped open. The next moment, Nick’s foot on the accelerator came down with a jerk, and the car, which was waiting for a red light to drop, shot out. After discovering that something was wrong, Nick decided not to go along with the crowd.


However, just after Director pressed the accelerator to the bottom and sped out within 20 meters, a dozen police cars rushed out of the intersection he had just rushed out from and some other cars came towards his car from both sides, roaring and chasing Nick ahead. At this time, Nick’s car just rushed out of that intersection and he doesn’t know why but there’s no interception in front of Nick.

Da da da!

After the police cars came out, they rushed to the front and stuck out a few machine guns, aiming at Nick’s car in front of them and the open fired without hesitation.

Da da da! Dangdang!

In an instant, hundreds of bullets hit Nick’s car. However, how can the car of the S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Director be unable to stop these bullets? Numerous bullets were directly bounced off after a spark on the body, and there was no big effect. Even the four tires on the bottom of the car are specially made. After being hit, the bullet holes will be repaired automatically, which will not affect Nick’s driving speed.

“Hum! In order to deal with me, so many potential personnel have been mobilized. They really think quite highly of me! ” Glancing down the rearview mirror, Nick said to himself indifferently when he saw a dozen police cars in the back approaching quickly with their machine guns.

The monitor in the car didn’t follow the warning of the police car at all. It was obviously blocked. Well, Nick can’t break through the original route at this time. His eyes receded from the rearview mirror, and Nick’s hand, holding the steering wheel, gave it a sharp right turn.


The specially modified car tires created a white smog on the ground. Nick drove his car to a 90-degree drift and directly rushed into a narrow road on the right. The police cars behind him also followed Nick’s sharp turn, but because they had a lot of cars, they didn’t look so fierce after turning.

“Emma! Can we break the communication barrier?” Nick shouted as he stormed down the narrow road. Just now, he has asked Emma, the intelligent system in the car, to contact the agents he fully trusts inside SHIELD, but it shows that the communication has been blocked. Nick has been asking Emma to find a way to break through the blockade.

“Sir, the shielding signal is very powerful and can’t be broken.” Soon, Emma’s mechanical voice without feelings answered Nick’s question.

What makes Nick a little helpless is that he can’t break through the communication shield with Emma’s ability. However, this is normal. Since Hydra decided to kill Nick, they obviously have everything ready, and it is impossible for Nick to have a chance to escape.

“Then don’t worry about communication, re-plan the route, let’s get rid of these guys behind us!” No longer expecting Emma to break through the signal barrier and asking for help, Nick continued.

“Yes, sir, the route is re-planning… turn left two hundred meters ahead.” Soon, Emma’s powerful computing power re-planned an escape route for Nick and opened voice navigation.

“Got it!” At Emma’s words, Nick tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He glanced in the rearview mirror again at the pursuing police cars and muttered something.


In this way, on the empty street, a black car was being followed by more than a dozen police cars. However, this scene has not been seen by many people. In order to deal with Nick, Hydra has cleared the traffic in several neighborhoods nearby, and this area doesn’t even have any pedestrian.

Da da da!

The bullets from the rear have never stopped, but Nick will not worry about the bullets that can’t even penetrate the first layer of defense at this time. He won’t let other things hinder him from escaping from the pursuit. Soon, 200 meters away, there was a crossroads ahead.

Chi Chi!!

Turning the steering wheel sharply to the left again. The black car turns 90 degrees flexibly and rushes onto the main road. Emma’s redesigned route for Nick will enable him to rush out of the three blocks blocked by Hydra as soon as possible. As long as Nick rushes straight out along this avenue, he can escape from the siege of Hydra. However, this time Hydra’s fight against Nick fury will not be so simple.

“That’s!…” After rushing to the road, Nick had no time to relax and cried out in surprise. He seemed to see something that surprised him.

It turned out that there was a man standing in the middle of the road more than 100 meters ahead on Nick’s escape path. The man was dressed in black, fully armed, and wearing a mask to block half of his face. his left arm which was shining silver in the lights was a mechanical arm. At this time, the man was standing in the direction of Nick, with a strange weapon on his arm, aiming at Nick’s car.


Just when Nick noticed the man, the weapon in his hand had already burst into flames. Then a disk was launched, spinning at high speed during the flight.

Scree! Puff!

Because the distance was too close, Nick had no time to escape, and could only watch the disc fly to the bottom of his car. Under the display of the Emma scan, Nick saw that the black disc was suddenly attached to the body plate of the car.

“Not good! Emma, ??start the third form!” Nick’s face changed and he shouted at the moment when he saw the disk adsorbed on the bottom of the car.


Just as Nick just shouted the sentence, the black disc that was attached to the chassis of the car suddenly exploded. Although the huge power of the explosion didn’t break through the body of Nick’s car, the whole car was jacked up. The tail of the car flew high into the air, and the whole car was about to turn over directly. In this way, even if Nick’s car is strong enough, he can only fall to the ground and become a turtle shell. Hydra will have some ways to break through it.

However, when Nick’s car turned over in the middle of the air, two bright blue light flames suddenly erupted from the inside of the front tire under the car. After those two lights appeared, the same light appeared on the inside of the rear wheel. Nick’s car has a jet propulsion system that Tony uses on his Iron Man Armors!


With the help of four successive ejectors, the car that had already turned over half a head adjusted again in midair and stabilized again.

“Emma, ??it’s time for the counter-attack!” A cold light flashed through Nick’s eye, who was suspended in the air, and then he shouted in a low voice.

“Yes, Director.”



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