Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 399 Attack

Chapter 399 Attack

After Lin Rui disconnects from Charles with a stern face, Peter comes to his side.

“What’s wrong? Did you find anything?”

“No, it should be fine. By the way, our main mission for today’s battle is to get the Magic Cube, and the rest can be left behind. As long as there is no Magic Cube, Hydra won’t be able to resurrect.” With a glance in Peter’s direction, Lin Rui calmly replies.

The League of Defender is composed of several Vigilantes so it obviously doesn’t have enough power compared to the SHIELD. Therefore, in today’s battle, Lin Rui’s purpose is to snatch the Magic Cube. In terms of individual strength, the League of Defender is no worse than anyone. At that time, Hydra’s resistance team will be handed over to SHIELD. As for Magic Cube, Lin Rui must get it.

“Yes, I know.” Nodding his head, Peter showed that he knew.

Call ~

Just as Lin Rui and Peter discussed the main points of the fight in the corner, they suddenly felt that the speed of the Helicarrier had dropped.

“Well, it seems that we have arrived.” Lin Rui briefly glanced at Fury’s serious face and said lightly.

Sure enough, the speed of Helicarrier slowed down and it finally remained hovered at high altitude. When the Helicarrier slowly stopped at a high altitude, Lin Rui and others had already gathered with the Avengers. As a very powerful Vigilante, Mirage Knight and Spiderman are arranged to act together with the Avengers led by Captain Rogers this time. This will not make Lin Rui feel uncomfortable since Avengers has a lot of freedom of action.

“Mirage Knight, our operation this time is very simple, we will rush ahead and defeat the things that would threaten ordinary soldiers. Perhaps it would be the Alpha team or the Winter Soldiers.” Standing next to Lin Rui, Captain Rogers said quietly. This is also the purpose of the Avengers’ consistent operations, they would first clear some threats that ordinary soldiers cannot clear. As for the large number of Robots, those would be handed over to the SHIELD teams.

“Yes, have you made contact with the X-Men?” Lin Rui nodded and asked one more question. Professor Charles is only involved in this operation because of Lin Rui, and it is not good if there is any conflict between the two sides in the operation.

“You can rest assured, although X-Men won’t take orders from SHIELD, there is an agreement between us, they will cooperate with us if they make a move.” Rogers said with a smile when he heard Lin Rui.

“By the way, why didn’t I see Natasha this time? Won’t she take part in this operation?” Lin Rui, who had no problem, glanced at the Avengers and suddenly found that there was one member missing. Lin Rui didn’t see Black Widow Natasha and asked directly.

“Natasha? I don’t know. She seems to have some other mission. She is not on the roster for this operation.” Rogers simply answered after hearing Lin Rui’s question.

At first, Rogers was surprised to find Natasha not participating in the campaign. Later, when he tried to contact her, he found that she had disappeared. Rogers did not know where she had gone, and Fury just explained to Rogers that he had sent Natasha on another Mission. Because of the Hydra situation, Rogers did not pay attention to Natasha. He also expected Natasha to sneak into Hydra’s base to help them when they were acting.

Upon hearing Rogers’ answer, Lin Rui’s eyes flickered, “Other Mission? …”

Black Widow Natasha herself is not a very strong fighter but she has a lot of skills as an Agent, so this kind of assault fighting might not be for her. However, Fury will not let an Advanced agent like her do another mission at such a critical time. So, Fury must be asking Natasha to do something special and important.

“Is it to find the Hul…” Lin Rui seemed to think of something when recalling the original plot.

“What’s the problem?”

“No, it’s time we started.”

When asked by Rogers, Lin Rui didn’t say anything. If it was really going to happen, Lin Rui wouldn’t be able to stop it. The biggest trouble now is Hydra and Magic Cube. As for the Hulk, if Fury feels he can really handle such a killer, Lin Rui will feel very good about himself. Because they are already trying to oust Fury.

Five minutes later, Lin Rui and Rogers were inside a Quinjet. The Avengers and League of Defender will be the first to hit the battlefield.

Buzz ~ Bang!

After a brief engine warm-up start, dozens of Quinjets were directly ejected from the airborne Helicarrier suspended at high altitude. In addition to fighter planes, mechanical doors were also opened on both sides of the Helicarrier. Then, the Iron Man army rushed out of it and landed directly towards the ground.

It turned out that Tony had arranged so many Iron Man in the Helicarrier. Wouldn’t it be a waste of energy to not ride such a good free ride? Tony also wants to save some energy to deal with the Space Attacks of Hydra’s Magic Cube. In addition to Lin Rui, Tony’s demand for Magic Cube is probably the most urgent. As a scientist, it is his lifelong desire to get such a treasure for research.


Soon, the Quinjet carrying the Avengers and the League of Defender team has dropped to two kilometers. At this time, Lin Rui and others could almost see the ground, which is also enough for these superhuman beings to land. This time their target is a large farm, the entire farm, and underground Hydra’s base.

In order to prevent Hydra from being aware of their actions in advance, SHIELD has never conducted an in-depth investigation after confirming that this area is the base of Hydra but they have dispatched the most senior agents to investigate it from outside. Finally, it was determined that the size of this base must be a very large base of Hydra, it is at least the same size as that of New Jersey they found last time.

Call ~

When the fighter jet reached a position of 1,000 meters, their speed finally slowed down. This distance was enough for them to be found by Hydra, but at this time SHIELD did not care. Even if they are found, this area has long been surrounded by SHIELD, Hydra only has two options: Surrender and do a Deadly fight.

“It’s time for us to do our part,” Rogers said as he walked down towards the tail end of the Quinjet.

Card ~ Hoooo!

After Rogers finished speaking, the airdrop hatch directly opened and the gust of wind pushed everyone in the cabin back half a step.

“I’ll go first, then! Spiderman!” After the hatch was opened, Lin Rui directly stepped out of the rear and spoke to Peter and then jumped out of the door, with Peter naturally following after him.


The next second, Mirage Knight and Spiderman had jumped directly from a height of nearly a thousand meters without a parachute. Of course, no one would think that they were committing suicide. Sure enough, after falling for a hundred meters, Lin Rui took out the Hoverboard from the portable space and took Peter on the Hoverboard to continue to rush down below.

“We can’t hold back! Let’s go, Falcon!” Rogers had also jumped out with his shield.


Behind Rogers, Falcon chased after him. After grasping Rogers, Falcon opened his wings and glided down.

Seeing that other people had gone ahead, Hawkeye, who was still standing at the door looked at Daredevil standing in the back. He knew that Daredevil had a Hoverboard in the corner.

Daredevil: “…”

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