Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 898: Media of Explosion

Chapter 898: Media of Explosion

Bucky and Lin Rui looked at each other as the headlines were striking and scary. The two of them just lost their memories, they hadn’t transmigrated to another world. Everything was fine yesterday so how could Aliens invade by the morning they woke up?

“Click on it, are there really aliens invading the earth?” Lin Rui swept the title of the entire page with his eyes wide, and while talking, Lin Rui moved the mouse and clicked on one of its links.


Lin Rui’s clicking speed was fairly fast, and the page opened very quickly. Then, a more detailed report with some pictures unfolded before Lin Rui and Bucky. Without looking at the specific content of this report first, Lin Rui and Bucky were immediately caught by those pictures.

“Are these… are they real?” Lin Rui muttered in disbelief looking at the photos that looked like sci-fi movie scenes.

However, from the bottom of his heart, Lin Rui vaguely felt that there was nothing to be surprised about.

“This… I think it should be true…” Bucky replied hesitantly after hearing Lin Rui’s words.

After clicking on that link, the first thing that appeared in front of Lin Rui and Bucky was a photo of Spaceship in the shape of a large black disc.

The shape and black paint of this black Spaceship, as well as the muzzles emerging from its sides, all show its distinctive origin as if it had come out of a sci-fi movie. The huge black Spaceship looks extraordinarily mysterious with the chaotic weather environment behind it.

Below the picture of this Dark Elf Spaceship, this webpage has also opened up a section dedicated to comments. In the few seconds that Bucky and Lin Rui opened the page, countless comments have been written and posted. Seeing this photo of the Dark Elf Spaceship, most people expressed their disbelief and thought that it must be fake.

One: “This photo must be fake! How could there be such a spaceship that doesn’t fit the dynamics!”

Two: “I support the above person, this must be a fake photo, but if you are sailing in a space environment, such a shape really won’t affect its functions.”

Three: “You are all saying that the photo is fake, how can you be so sure? I am a professional and I can prove the authenticity of this photo!”

Four: “Everybody is an expert now. Do you really believe that aliens have invaded the earth?!”

Five: “Why can’t aliens invade the earth? I always believed in aliens! Hahaha, I established a society to study aliens two years ago. Interested friends can join us. This is a Link to our site!”

Six: “Don’t advertise something so embarrassing! I’m a reporter! This incident is real! Our editor-in-chief is going crazy over here!”

Seven: “So what if you are a reporter? A reporter’s words are the most unbelievable! The editor-in-chief is crazy? I think you are all crazy. You actually think that aliens have invaded the earth!”

Bucky and Lin Rui are even more confused looking at the various comments that keep refreshing below. Many people have a lot of controversy about this photo of the alien Spaceship.

What they lack is an official answer. However, although various media sources are now overwhelmingly reporting on the incident of the alien invasion of the earth, the official has not yet issued an official announcement.

“There are other photos below, which seem to be taken by the evacuees in the center of London in a panic when the invasion happened.” Lin Rui said inexplicably.

Rui and Bucky then saw several photos that didn’t have the best pixels or camera angles. But it is also clear from the pictures that the heart of London was devastated.

In the photo, the heart of London, which used to be a very modern city, looks like a piece of an old city being demolished. High-rise buildings were blown up under gunfire, and all kinds of rubble and debris were scattered on the ground.

“This is London?!” Lin Rui snorted in surprise when looking at the frozen scene in these photos.

Although Lin Rui lost his memory, what he lost was only the memory of his previous life experiences, and he still had an impression of these common sense things. So seeing the photo of London, Lin Rui almost didn’t recognize it. However, the pictures of iconic London buildings still show that this is London, just a London that has suffered from war.

“What are these shadows?” While Lin Rui marveled at what London looked like, Bucky had already spotted a difference in one of his photos.

Under Lin Rui’s puzzled gaze, Bucky had already pointed out the black shadow he noticed, which seemed to be a small aircraft flying in mid-air. Moreover, there was a person standing on that aircraft. However, according to the example of normal earth people, the figure is obviously much taller than earth people.

“That…is it an alien?!” Lin Rui stared at the blurred figure for a few seconds before he guessed the origin of this shadowy figure.

Lin Rui guessed right, the shadow in this photo was indeed a Dark Elf soldier flying over with his aircraft. There are more clear pictures behind this photo, which are the pictures of SHIELD’s mobile team flying on their Hoverboard.

“Well, the station explained the dark figure as an alien. And the one in the back that’s a little bit clearer is the soldier flying the manned vehicle, which is reportedly SHIELD’s special unit, and they were fighting at that time.” Bucky, who has seen the caption below the photo, quickly explained.

“Looks like this news should be real!” Lin Rui, who had also seen the explanation on the site, curled his lips and said but he still found the situation a little unbelievable.

“Yeah, although the media like to mix the truth with a lot of controversies, they generally don’t publish false news. But until the official explanation of alien invasion comes out, let’s see what we know.” Bucky paused for a second to see the picture of the mobile soldier and continued to speak.

“Well, but the media have released so many reports that seem to be true so why haven’t the officials made a statement? Even if they are publishing false news, the officials should have been the first to refute the rumors.” Lin Rui nodded his head at Bucky’s words but he also asked doubt in his heart.


Just after Lin Rui finished saying this, the page in front of them suddenly refreshed. Then, all the original reports and photos disappeared, and the page was refreshed with only a few big words: SHIELD’s official press conference is about to start!!!!!!!

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